Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So here it is. The blog I have always dreamed of starting. I’m not going to lie. I’m actually pretty scared to start this for a number of reasons. The main reason I was hesitant to start this blog is that I know that at least one person out there will read at least one of my posts. Somehow they will stumble upon this blog and some of my most intimate thoughts will be completely broken down and analyzed by a stranger.  Honestly, the only reason I have a problem with this is because apparently I have an “image” to represent. Yes, I am an Orthodox Jew but I am not anybody’s role model. By speaking about a topic or voicing my thoughts I am not attempting validate or condone any way of life, behavior, or action, including my own. I’m writing this blog because I need a medium to help me vent and this seems more fun that the traditional “Lock and Key” journal.  
Another reason it took me so long to finally commit to a blog is the fact that this is going to take time. Not only is it going to take time to actually sit here and type out exactly what I’m thinking, it is also going to take time to field all those phone calls from your grandmother’s aunt’s brother-in law’s cousin about how this “beh- loh- geeng” is not good for my Neshamah (soul), family, friends, reputation, dating resume, career, health, car mileage, or whatever else you can imagine. Trust me, I don’t want to hear it. I have thought about this for a very long time and have made the conscious decision that this is what I need right now. However,  I do understand it is necessary to be cautious whenever posting private details about one’s life online. I hope that I can effectively communicate my thoughts here without compromising anyone’s identity or offending anyone. My intention here is not to be the “Perez Hilton” of the Persian or Jewish community, but rather to examine the mundane aspects of my daily routine and find a way to get a “message” for that day. I truly believe that each day has a purpose no matter how boring or typical it may be. It is up to YOU to discover the significance in your “dreary” routine. By the way, no one said your daily routine had to be dreary, but that’s another discussion for another day.  If at any time anything on this blog offends you in any way, which I don’t doubt it will, I apologize in advance. Also, if my gramatical or speling errors ofending you, I is very sory.  

See you soon!

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